by admin | Sep 28, 2021 | Podcast
Stop looking backwards Confidence trapped is a far too common phenomenon. Way too many people get stuck in a moment when their life is shining bright. Score the winning touchdown. Or the winning basket. Conversely, just surviving. Within a short period of waking up,... by admin | Sep 14, 2021 | Podcast
Your Story of Transformation Joseph Campbell, while studying Greek mythology, found a constant theme. An overarching theme that makes the story more compelling. Once you learn the steps, it can make reading a book or watching a movie challenge. Why? You... by admin | Sep 10, 2021 | Podcast
From a Fearless Novice I learned so many lessons podcasting it would take forever to review. I was a novice podcaster. Filler with confidence, but that was it. I have no idea how any of it worked, but I listened to many podcasts and stayed at a Holiday... by admin | Aug 29, 2021 | Podcast
The Universe Reacts We hear it all the time. People saying What you think about you will bring about. And that is a universal fact. A lesser-known, but I think more impactful, are the words put into action will deliver a reaction. What you say aloud is alerting the... by admin | Aug 25, 2021 | Podcast
Making real change within When people transform their lives it must involves shadow work at some point in time. Until people get to the root of the issue holding them back makes it is very hard to heal. These Shadows are repressed parts of your personality that others...