
Epi #43 What is Your Burning Desire?

What gets you up each morning? Burning Desire. I first learned about this when I read Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich book. He talked about having a vision so powerful you’ll move heaven and earth to achieve that goal. When you live with a burning...

Epi #42 Heal Your Inner Child

Clear Your Cellular Memory. Trauma in one form or another enters into everyone’s life. Whether the death of a parent at a young age, some form of abuse, bullying, or a sadly long list of trauma. Trauma does not disappear; instead caught in your cellular memory....

Epi 41 Janine Finney

The Flip Flop CEO Janine Finney, the Flip Flop CEO went from the biggest skeptic to greatest advocate about Network Marketing. She began her network marketing journey after her daughter talked her into it. Today it’s her goal to help people gain clarity about network...
Epi 40 Holly Matson: Word Doctor and Animal Reiki

Epi 40 Holly Matson: Word Doctor and Animal Reiki

Learn how the Word Doc added Reiki Healing. This week I have the privilege of interviewing Holly Matson, the Word Doctor and Animal Reiki. She’s gifted with the written word. Holly was the editor of my book, the Blue Rose Bookstore, published a few years ago....

Epi 38 Faith, Passion and President Biden.

This is a non political podcast but more of an observation of how one person refused to accept failure. He could be a poster child for ‘Everything is Overcomeable.’ President Biden has run for office so many times I lost count. But he never gave up on his...