by admin | Jun 10, 2020 | Podcast
Confidence is the key to your success in life and business. There is a nine-letter word that may be one of the most powerful words for people to embrace. Too many people have trouble with this one word and I believe women are even more challenged. But once you make... by admin | Jun 3, 2020 | Podcast
A New Normal is Creating a Challenge for People. During these times of the COVID-19 pandemic, each day brings a new normal. The ground keeps shifting around everyone shaking their foundation. It seems for each plan they make it changes the next day. No one has summer... by admin | May 27, 2020 | Podcast
Time for Possibilities Cafe…where everything is possible if you believe in YOU. It’s time to Ignite Your Possibilities and discover your Enchanted Leadership Success Formula.My success formula is L+C-B-Success. Self Leadership + Clarity of Vision (the dream)... by admin | May 20, 2020 | Podcast
The framework from a Hero’s journey will help your customers better relate to the story of your life and business. I’m sure you recognize a Hero’s Journey from the most successful movies and books they have read. This framework has been used for... by admin | Apr 28, 2020 | Podcast
Is this fear causing you to miss out on New Adventures? New Opportunities? Way too many people hold back due to FOMM. Fear of Making a Mistake. Never taking that final step that could lead them to their dreams. Never finishing, or never marketing that new class for...