Most Powerful 9 letter word

Most Powerful 9 letter word

Confidence is the key to your success in life and business. There is a nine-letter word that may be one of the most powerful words for people to embrace. Too many people have trouble with this one word and I believe women are even more challenged. But once you make...

Are You Seeking Certainty during these Uncertain Times

A New Normal is Creating a Challenge for People. During these times of the COVID-19 pandemic, each day brings a new normal. The ground keeps shifting around everyone shaking their foundation. It seems for each plan they make it changes the next day. No one has summer...

Your Success Formula

Time for Possibilities Cafe…where everything is possible if you believe in YOU. It’s time to Ignite Your Possibilities and discover your Enchanted Leadership Success Formula.My success formula is L+C-B-Success. Self Leadership + Clarity of Vision (the dream)...

Your Hero’s Journey

The framework from a Hero’s journey will help your customers better relate to the story of your life and business. I’m sure you recognize a Hero’s Journey from the most successful movies and books they have read. This framework has been used for...

Do You Have Fear of Making a Mistake?

Is this fear causing you to miss out on New Adventures? New Opportunities? Way too many people hold back due to FOMM. Fear of Making a Mistake. Never taking that final step that could lead them to their dreams. Never finishing, or never marketing that new class for...