
#94 Power Your Mind

Bad Outcomes can bring Good Things. I had a concussion a few weeks ago by slamming my head into a metal shelf’s sharp end, which involved a lot of blood, a visit to Urgent Care, and staples. Then for seven days, I just sat and stared into space. However, the...

Epi #93 Heidi Jorgensen Begeot. Women in Leadership

Heidi’s leadership journey began working in various positions in a nursing home, involved laying cement (a great lesson for leaders), and took a turn to high-performance coaching. Heidi offered great tips on time management that all leaders can implement in...

Epi # 92 3 Life Changing Questions to ask Yourself.

Power of Asking Questions These questions give you the opportunity to reset your thinking. I know these questions work because they took me from broke, homeless, and angry to a CEO making a six-figure income, author, speaker, and a leadership coach. I know these three...

Epi #90 Be Free in 2023

Reclaim Your Voice. Be free in 2023 2023 is just 70+ days away. Now is the time to develop a plan for the 4th quarter and 2023. What will you do in 2023? What will you create? Work at? Start? Success is always located in line with the plan. What is not planned...