
Blue Rose, New Beginning and Midlife.

by | Aug 10, 2019 | Blue Rose Bookstore, Spiritual, Women Empowerment | 0 comments

Midlife, Purpose and What’s Next

Hello, how are you? Welcome. I want to talk to you today about the meaning of a Blue Rose and hey everything you see with me is Blue Rose. And it’s funny, I’m talking about the meaning of the Blue Rose and I have a red blouse on. But that’s how it goes. By the way, I’m Karen Barno. Welcome to Find Your Blue Rose and discover the Blue Rose Inner Circle.

 The meaning of a Blue Rose. Blue Roses are genetically impossible to create. That’s why when you go to flower stores, you won’t see a true Blue Rose. You’ll see dyed Blue Roses. 

When somebody tells you to Find Your Blue Rose, they’re saying, find your new beginning. Find your What’s Next. What are you supposed to be doing in this world now? You know, don’t look back at your past successes. We all do. We all look back at what we’ve succeeded in, but when we get to that point in our life or we’re trying to figure out what we’re going to do next, think of your Blue Rose. Think of what would help enlighten you. What would it be Mystical, magical in your life, what would make your heart sing? 

That’s what Finding your Blue Rose is all about. It’s helping people, helping women find their true passionto go out and say, this is who I am. 

To put the proverbial stick in the ground and say, this is me. This is who I am moving forward. And when you do that, first of all, your everything starts shifting in your life. When you’re ready to step up and say, I’ve done all this in my life and it’s been great, but now I’m ready to find my Blue Rose. 

I’m ready to start a new chapter, a new beginning. And it can be a new beginning. It can be when we send our children from third grade to fourth grade, from the high school to college, from marriage to divorce to whatever, every step of the ways in new beginning. So you’re finding you Blue Rose, your Blue Rose is a spiritual journey. 

A Blue Rose means that you’re willing to take the time to look at who you are. You’re ready to take the time to be honest with who you are and honest what you want. You start being reflective. You stop looking around for approval from everybody else. You stop asking everybody else. Where do you think, what do you think. What do you think And you’ll say, you know, darn it, I don’t care what y’all think. I love you guys. I’ll listen to your opinion and this is what I think. This is what I want to do. And something like that has a tendency to come with age. 

As we get older, especially women, as we get older and enter midlife or our better act, we get more comfortable and saying, you know, I’m ready to make that change. I’m ready to do this or to do that. So when you do that, just think, what is my Blue Rose

What is my spiritual gift?Why am I here? What’s my purpose? The Blue Rose Inner Circleis what I developed to help a community of women join together so we can support one another, so we can work together to help everybody, you know, lift everybody up. 

Especially in this time, right now, when everything is so contentious and everybody’s filled with rage and, and I hate to say hate. We’re losing our spiritual guideline. We’re getting caught up in the rhetoric of social media. We’re getting caught up in the papers. We’re getting caught up. Instead of repeating it, step back and say no, I’ve got my Blue Rose, I’ve got my north star. My north star is finding my Blue Rose. My north star is trying to figure out what suits me perfectly because each one on us has a specific gift to be here. 

We all have a specific purpose. If you’re even kind of thinking, Eh, you know, I like my job at this, or I like this, then you’re not standing in your purpose. 

Because when you’re in your purpose, when you’re where you’re supposed to be, you’re in the flow

Everything works out for you. I mean, sure you’ll run into bumps and bruises along the way, but everything works out because you’re in where you’re supposed to be. 

You’re in your zone of excellence. Everything flows to you and money works out as well. 

You found Your Blue Rose, and as people we evolve, we grow. The job that I thought was the greatest job ever 40, 50 years ago, I look at now thinking so that was okay. But at the time it was a greatest job ever. I got to work up the newspaper. I was happy when I was in the US Air Force as a Medic. It was the greatest job ever. But you outgrow things because you’re evolving. 

If you’re carrying the light of Blue Rose, if you’re carrying that Glow, you’re constantly evolvingand questioning. Am I happy, is this, does this serve me, Is this what I wanna do?

Am I fulfilled doing what I’m doing? And that’s why you need a group. It helps to have a group of likeminded people, a group of women or men depending at the same place you are, that are searching and seeking and at different levels. 

That’s what Blue Rose Inner Circle is all about. We can come together, we can talk, we can work together to decide what your next stepis, you know, midlife isn’t what it used to be. 

I mean, when my mother hit Midlife, it was like, that’s it. I’m done. Now we hit midlife and we’re like, sweet. All right. I’ve lived the first 50 years for y’all now live in the next 50 years for me. Most women say, Or, I raised children, went to college and was in the US Air Force and got married. 

I checked all the boxes. 

You have a great job, great title, great salary, check, check, check, check. And then you get to the point and say, wait for a second, have I been living my life or am I checking boxes. 

I think we get caught up in checking boxes and as we hit 50, 60 years old we think… I’m out of boxes. I don’t want to do boxes anymore. I’m looking towards retiring, I’m looking towards my, ‘what’s next.’ 

And that’s not a box because I don’t want to be confined. What do I want to do? The beautiful thing about being middle age is we’ve made our money, we have money coming in, we’re doing okay, so you have freedom. 

You have the freedom of all the years of experience. You have the freedom of looking around and saying, ‘I’m here for a purpose.’

Let me look back at everything I’ve done and see, you know, how’s that line up with where I’m at now. I know a lot of you guys are doing just that. 

I see it all the time. I see it in the emails people send me. I see in the posts that people post to me, the I’m seeking, I’m searching. I can’t get unstuck. I can’t figure out how to get to my ‘what’s next.’

Why? Because we were programmed to checkboxes! We weren’t taught to stop and step out of ourselves. We weren’t taught to meditate. We weren’t taught to question. We were taught to check the boxes and now you know, 50, 60 years old, do no more. I’ve checked them all. I’m good. What do I want to do? What do you want to do that’s going to serve your soul? And that’s Finding Your Blue Rose. 

Finding Your Blue Rose, finding your magical moments in life. The magical moment like when your first child’s born or the magical moment of getting married. The magical moment of turning 50, the magical moment of turning 60, that is what you want your life to be. 

You want to have a life that fulfills you and the life that is your life! Not the life from checking all the boxes. 

So come with me on your journey. Let’s journey together to Find Your Blue Rose,to find out what your next steps are. Because in a community you can’t go wrong when you’re in a community of likeminded people. So I hope you, I don’t hope, I know you’ll Find Your Blue Rose. I know if you’re seeking, you’re going to find it because the minute you start seeking the Universe is going to do everything it can to help you fulfill your yearning to help you. 

I know you’ll thinking…we’re here and came forward to help you fulfill what you’re looking for and that will draw you to the right people. You’ll attract the people into your life that you need at that moment. You know, some people will come into your life for a second. Some people come into your life for lifetimes and some for a couple of years. I mean, how many times you’ve been somewhere and somebody makes a comment to you or you hear people who are talking, you look over and know was that message for me, or play a game where you get into your car because everything is divine timing. You get into your car and whatever song comes on first is a message. I get in my car to the first one was country western song about God’s Country. I love this song, but for some reason I changed the station. What was on the next station? Exact same song. God’s Country cause I, Hello Karen. As I say it for a song you heard in your car. So what’s the message. Keep your faith, believe because you will find your Blue Rose if you believe and you trust the science of the universe. 

So join with me over in the Blue Rose Inner Circle.

 If you want an Intuitive Card reading, go over to my website. I’m doing those now as well. I just, I’ve decided after four or five years of starting this business that I’m going to follow my Blue Rose and do it. I want to do it. I’m done asking anybody else what they think or asking is it socially acceptable to be as spiritual as I am?

Is it socially acceptable to be an intuitive? What will people think? You know what will where I work at think now. I can’t care. Got To Be Me. Who sang that song Sammy Davis Jr ‘I gotta be me.’ 

Okay, so let me know if you guys have any questions. 

Put them in your comments below. I hope I see you over in a Blue Rose Inner Circle. 

I look forward to serving you and helping you make a difference in your life. Talk to you later. Bye. Bye.

Love ya,



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