
Epi #73 Self Belief and YOU.

Reach Your Full Potential and Success will be Yours. Welcome to #73 Next Level Confidence Podcast These two words could determine your success or failure. What? Self-Belief. It’s how you perceive yourself and the interconnected world around you. Self-belief is...

#71 Opportunity Only Knocks Once

Be Ready to Take Action Do you want to make a change in your life, but find yourself hesitant and unsure of what steps to take? Learn how to recognize the signs when an opportunity presents itself. Opportunity will knock on your door once. If you choose not to open...

Epi #71 Empower Your Vocabulary for Success

Words have power. Text Words have power. Words spoken whether out loud or to yourself have power. The spoken voice has an energy, a vibration, that moves into the universe. This vibration signals the Universe on what to deliver to people. Positive vibration is like a...

Epi #71 10,000 Hours, Nathan Chen and Mastery.

Mastery is the Key to Success According to Maxwell Gladwell, to achieve mastery a person must have 10,000 hours on a single. Watching the Winter Olympics brought this to the top of my mind. Just reaching the point to have the next level confidence to achieve greatness...

Epi #70 Eliminate the Blame Game

Take Back Your Personal Power Stop blaming others for your life. Your failures or foibles. Taking back your personal power starts with accepting you. Understanding who you are deep with, at your soul’s level. Frequent visits to your past, evaluating and trying to...
#69 Who Am I, Really

#69 Who Am I, Really

Know Thyself Who am I, Now? Take time to know whyself. Setting down to do my yearly goal setting January 3 as I do every year. The first question is ask is who am I. I learned well rather admitted to myself I hate sharing personal info. I will share about trauma,...