by admin | May 17, 2022 | Podcast
What keeps you stuck in place? Does your money mindset hold you back? Too many women have a malfunctioning financial thermostat. What exactly is this? The self-belief that you can only earn xxx amount of money. For instance, a business owner holds a belief that in... by admin | May 6, 2022 | Podcast
ReIgnite Your Possibilities Are you ready to move away from the victim mindset? Too many women find comfort in victimhood. Now I know saying ‘find comfort is a trigger from some of you. However, staying stuck in the past as a victim will not help ladies go where they... by admin | Apr 20, 2022 | Podcast
How to Succeed in Business There are three keys to building a successful business. Consistency, Discipline, and a Burning Desire. Without these key elements, it can be a challenge. Consistency means meeting your commitments to your customer and yourself. If you have a... by admin | Apr 16, 2022 | Podcast
How you view it determines your inner power. Many years ago when I was in the US Air Force as a medic I learned a lesson that ‘stuck’ to me. Working in the ICU one evening a general’s wife was brought into the unit. She had no reason to be there other than, in my... by admin | Apr 6, 2022 | Podcast
Mind your business What people think about you is none of your business. Way too many of us worry about what others say think or act towards us. It took me years to understand it’s not my business. Caring about what others think about me bothers me and in turn,...
by admin | Mar 29, 2022 | Podcast
The secret to a happy and fulfilling life. Far too many women are waiting for permission before they move forward. Especially women over 55. You found over the course of your life following the rules had a much better, kinder impact than not. Throughout...