When in doubt ask a friend.
Women in mid-life never fully see their potential. Always underestimating what their talents are while overestimating their weaknesses. I have my theory about why but that could be a podcast for another day. 😉
However, if you ask your friends, they will take 30 minutes to sing your praises. talking about all your accomplishments and minimizing areas you may be less gifted.
At a certain point, women begin to wonder What’s Next. What business would best suit their skill set? What would be their perfect niche? What would make you the happiest while making money? If you are not sure ask a friend.
Each person has a special gift. One unique to themselves. Your journey through this life is finding your niche, having the courage and confidence to step into your power. It’s time to discover what your one thing is and then celebrate with your friends. Wearing a mask and socially distancing, of course.