Courage is the most important key to Success.
To unlock the success you must have courage. There will be peaks and valleys during your journey and when in the valley courage will be your friend. When the check doesn’t arrive, the startup funds don’t arrive, a customer cancels a large order you will experience emotions you never thought possible. That is the EXACT spot where courage needs to be deployed.
Cutbacks are necessary and you must fire employees some who have been with you for a very long time, Courage. Owning a business, being a CEO, regional or line staff there are times you will need to make a choice, Choices that are extremely hard to make but necessary.
The Wizard of Oz
Remember watching the Wizard of Oz as a child or like me even now? How all the lion wanted was courage. Yet when he discovered his passion, his purpose he was the most courageous of the group. When you believe in what you’re doing and are in your purpose its much easier to have courage.
What do you think?