
Your Blue Rose is Hidden In Your Shadow

by | Mar 23, 2025 | Podcast | 0 comments

The Hard Truth About Leadership: Why You Haven’t Stepped Fully Into Your Power Yet

Do you ever feel like you’re standing on the edge of greatness, only to stop yourself from taking that final step? You’ve put in the work, you have the vision, the passion, and the purpose, yet something holds you back. No matter how hard you try, something invisible keeps you from reaching 100% of your dreams—not just 80%, not 70%, but all of them.

In this episode of She Leads Confidently, I uncover the hidden barriers that keep powerful women from stepping fully into their calling. I’m talking about the deep, often unrecognized forces that block you from taking the leap—whether it’s applying for that big promotion, speaking up in the boardroom, or even attending the event that could change your life.

If you’ve ever hesitated because you don’t feel good enough, don’t feel worthy enough, or don’t think you belong, this episode is for you.

Your Greatest Power is Locked Behind Your Shadows

That invisible force stopping you? It’s your shadows.

Shadows are the hidden parts of ourselves—the beliefs, fears, and wounds buried deep within us. They whisper:

“You’re not good enough.”
“Who are you to dream that big?”
“You’re going to fail, so why even try?”
These whispers come from a lifetime of conditioning—messages from parents, teachers, bosses, and even society telling us to play small.

💬 “When I told my parents I wanted to go to college, they told me, ‘No, we can get you a job as a secretary at the steel mill.’”

Their belief was that playing it safe was the best option. That belief became a shadow—one that told me that being me wasn’t safe and that I wasn’t good enough for more.

But here’s the truth:

Your Blue Rose—your calling, passion, and purpose—is locked behind those shadows.

Until you confront them, you will keep sabotaging your success, shrinking in meetings, doubting your abilities, and hesitating to take bold action.

How Shadows Keep You Stuck in Leadership & Life

I’ve seen it again and again—powerful women, accomplished women, leaders sitting at the boardroom table, holding back.

A woman raises her hand, only to drop it when she notices someone giving her a side-eye.
She has an idea but hesitates to speak because she’s afraid it’s not smart enough.
She’s invited to an opportunity but finds a reason not to go because deep down, she doesn’t feel worthy.
I know this pattern because I lived it for years.

Every time I got close to success, I sabotaged myself.

I would start acting goofy when I got too close to being taken seriously.
I would drink the night before a big event so I was too hungover to show up.
I would almost step into my full power—then pull back.
I told myself stories: “I’m just not that kind of person. I don’t belong there. I’m not ready.”

But the truth was that I was terrified of my own power.

Because when you step fully into your power, you become visible. And visibility means risk—risk of judgment, risk of failure, risk of rejection.

So I played almost big—just successful enough to be comfortable but never truly stepping into my highest self.

What Happens When You Don’t Face Your Shadows?

If you keep avoiding your shadows, you will find yourself stuck in the ‘almost’ loop:

✔ Almost applying for that high-level job
✔ Almost launching that business or program
✔ Almost stepping up as a leader in your industry
✔ Almost feeling fully confident in yourself

And then one day, you’ll wake up at 50, 60, or 70 years old and realize you never went all in.

If you want to see what regret looks like, visit a senior living community.

You’ll hear women say:

“I wish I would have traveled more.”
“I wish I would have left that job sooner.”
“I wish I would have followed my dreams.”
💥 I don’t want that to be you.

You have the power to change your story right now.

How to Heal Your Shadows & Step Into Your Power

So how do you break free?

It starts with understanding what’s holding you back and choosing to face it head-on.

Here’s how:

1️⃣ Identify Your Fear
What keeps stopping you?

Fear of failure?
Fear of success?
Fear of being seen?
Fear of making a mistake?
Fear of judgment?
Ask yourself: Where does this fear come from?

Shadows are often rooted in childhood trauma, old conditioning, or past wounds. The first step to healing is recognizing what’s truly running the show.

2️⃣ Meet Your Fear with Curiosity
Instead of pushing your fear away, get curious about it.

Ask yourself:
💭 “If I believe I’m not smart enough, why?”
💭 “If I believe I’m not good enough, why?”

Fear is like a stack of boxes with your Blue Rose buried inside. You have to unpack them one by one to find the truth.

3️⃣ Recognize That It Was Never About You
What if the things you were told were never true?

💡 The truth is, people project their own shadows onto you.
💡 The people who told you to play small were only repeating the limits they believed about themselves.

Once you see that, you can let go of those beliefs.

4️⃣ Rewrite the Story & Take Aligned Action
You don’t heal shadows by thinking about them. You heal them by acting in spite of them.

👉 If your shadow says “You’re not ready,” take the step anyway.
👉 If your shadow says “You’re not good enough,” challenge it—where’s the proof?
👉 If your shadow says “You’re going to fail,” remind yourself—failure is a stepping stone, not a stop sign.

Every time you step through a shadow, you reclaim another piece of your power.

Are You Ready to Step Into Your Blue Rose?

Imagine yourself:

🔥 Speaking up with confidence in every room you enter.
🔥 Owning your power without hesitation.
🔥 Leading without fear, knowing you belong exactly where you are.

That version of you already exists.

The only thing in the way? The shadows you haven’t healed yet.

💬 So, what shadow are YOU ready to face? Comment below.

💎 If you’re ready for deep work, book my 2-hour intuitive listening session.

🚀 And in April, my Become Your Most Powerful Self course will walk you step-by-step through unlocking your greatness and finding your Blue Rose.

🔔 Like, subscribe, and share this with other women who need to hear this.

Let’s get to work and heal these shadows so you can finally step into 100% of your power.