
Self-Sabotaging behavior is a result of Shadows.

by | Sep 11, 2019 | Uncategorized

Shadows hid in your Subconscious.

What is standing in your way?

Good morning. I want to talk to you about how to sabotage behaviors; self-sabotaging yourself is a way to hide shadows. No shadows are the bruises left on our soul. The bruises left on us of from people that didn’t like something about us didn’t approve of something about us. So they made snide comments that we, we took seriously. It could have been, why aren’t you’re a chubby little girl, so you become a chubby adult or my mother’s case, you know, I had the fat gene because my Nana was back. Come to find out, and there’s no such thing as a fat gene. Who Knew But when we sabotage ourselves, it’s our way of protecting ourselves from finding the shadows. Because when we see a major shadows, the big ones, the overarching ones, it, it hurts because we have to pull back the curtain on a bad memory and nobody wants to do that.
By the way, I’m Karen Barno, welcome to my Facebook live. Our shadows hide in many, many ways, but one of the quick way to kind of start looking for them is to figure out how do you keep getting in your way Are you playing small or your pleaser Do do you avoid confrontation at all costs When you start seeing success in your life Do you throw out the anchor Cause I used to be one that I would throw out the anchor as I called it. I’d start getting successful, and I would be too much because I didn’t have that self-worth that I was worth having that level of success. So you kind of have to sit back and look at your life. If you have what you want in your life. If you have what you want, your life that Kudos.
But very few people, if any, I have ran into through all my VIP coaching, everybody has shadows. So I developed this in this ebook. Um, how to eliminate self-sabotaging behavior. And it’s a couple steps. It’s a five page ebook, it’s easy to read. It helps you start thinking about how to recognize your self sabotaging behavior because of it’s something that you’ve done since you were a child. Then it’s hard to recognize because it’s, it’s just part of your pattern. It’s part of your makeup. You know If you’re, if you’re a pleaser, that it’s hard for you to realize you’re a pleaser unless somebody finally looks at you and said, what did you just knock it off and quit being a pleaser And even then you’ll just be like, well, that person just doesn’t like me, so I’m gonna move on. If you, if you have weight challenges, it’s wives just always been like this, or I don’t know, I just like to eat.
You know, I love chocolate chip cookies, so I just love chocolate chip cookies. But I really had to start looking back to see where it started. You know, we’re, we’re this genesis of it came from and it came from being abused, but my inability to lose weight came from the fact that I pat Jean. So I had an excuse. So once you begin to recognize what you’re doing, it’s the patterns you run to sit back. If you think, you know, I’ve always wanted this job, but I’ve never had it. I’ve always wanted to start this business, but I haven’t, or I wanted this level of success. Figure out what patterns you’re running. Maybe you’ve always wanted to own your own business and you’ve always said to said there, but I want to make $1 million. I want to make six figures. I want to make 50,000 but maybe money isn’t really what you want.
Maybe you’re sending the money because it’s a way to sabotage yourself. Maybe you’re putting, you’re putting money up as this and money’s awesome. Don’t get me wrong, you’re putting money up, but money, you have a sabotaging belief of money. You believe that people that have money are greedy. People that have money are mean. People that have money, don’t take care of others. People that have money aren’t spiritual. That is so rampant in a spiritual world. You know, I shouldn’t have money just to set the record straight. Jesus Christ was a millionaire. I mean, you got to think back to that time. If you follow the Bible, there it is. Money is not evil. There’s nothing wrong with money, but we put stuff around money. So say that you had that money thing. So you’re trying to start this business. You know, I had a client, whenever I talk about my clients, they have, you know, cleared me to talk about their issues, but not of course their names. I had a client that wanted to make seven figures and she teetered right around seven figures. Yes, seven figures. She teetered right around it and she’d get over it and then she’d come right back and she couldn’t figure it out. So we sat down and we worked together for, we did some VIP sessions cause it was really very deep. It was because her father was extremely successful, but he said, you’ll never break seven figures because I couldn’t.
That’s how shadows are. And that one little comment caused her a lifetime of self-sabotaging behavior. These one little comments, you know, having a speech impediment and being told you’re special need. That one comment makes you think that your special needs until something happens that you start realizing, let me back up. Let me see where this, where this common came from. So if you don’t have what you’re seeking in your life, you’ve got to look within and how you’re sabotaging. Now there’s other ways to heal your shadows and then look at them and I talk about them on my five step, my five proven steps to healing your charters that are imprint and reclaiming your power online class at the abuse at the end of the month. But right now, just go over and grab my, um, eliminate self-sabotaging behavior, five-page evil. I’ll put the link behind. Just start thinking about how you’re getting in your own way and start realizing these are other people’s self-fulfilling prophecies for you.
They’re not your prophecies, and they’re not your, your course. They’re not your path, your vision there is somebody else’s. So stop living somebody else’s dream and step in and start living your dream. Start living the life you were born to live. So let’s get started. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below. If you’re on youtube, gimme a subscribed, all buttons below. We’re going to be talking about this. If you follow me for a long time. You know, I talk about this all the time cause I think it’s so important. But I do think one of the keys is how do you self sabotage yourself How do you get in your own way Let me know if you have any questions. You guys take care. Have a great day. Bye Bye.