I am a Student, a Seeker, of the Universe

I am a Student, a Seeker, of the Universe

For as long as I can remember I have always been a “Seeker”.  There were years when I was more inquisitive then others but I was always seeking. Seeking a truth that I knew was out there. I had a burning desire to know how some people attract...
I am a Student, a Seeker, of the Universe

If ONE person had EVER done it

Could you agree that if someone had ever accomplished something that from that day forward anyone could accomplish the same thing, or better? Why is that possible? It is just the natural order of the Universe. This is a thinking, feeling Universe where thoughts and...
I am a Student, a Seeker, of the Universe


Find Your Blue Rose – 7 Proven Principles for Professional Women to Ignite their Possibilities and Awaken their Dreams has LAUNCHED. My journey to develop methods to help professional women make change. . . . the changes needed to have the life they dream about...