
I am a Student, a Seeker, of the Universe

by | Aug 29, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

For as long as I can remember I have always been a “Seeker”.  There were years when I was more inquisitive then others but I was always seeking.

Seeking a truth that I knew was out there.

I had a burning desire to know how some people attract wonderful things into their lives and others . . .not.

How did my path start?

A long time ago in a different galaxy, (oh wait, that’s a different story.)

Many decades ago, (during my time as an Air Force Medic), a nurse reading “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” told me I had to read the book and even lent to me her copy.  (I am embarrassed to say I never returned it but in my defense Officers were paid more than enlisted people).  I devoured the book in a few hours.  At that time there were many ‘concepts’ I didn’t understand but over time I have developed a better understanding.  And now, wow, I really get it.

As a Seeker that book led me to others including Siddhartha, Khalil Gibran, Wayne Dyer, the Secret, Think and Grow Rich, and Masters from the Far East, just to name a few.  I started to attract like-minded people and people further along on their spiritual paths who were willing to mentor me.

Since then I have learned that people on a spiritual path need to help others on their individual journey.  Why do they need to help? I don’t know other than it is a “calling” that must be answered.

You can see that I am driven to help others discover their spiritual path.

Eventually if you listen to the tiny little voice in your head, it will or has said, “What’s Next?  When is it MY time?”

So, when you’re ready to explore that gentle nudge, when that ‘out of the blue’ book recommendation appears or unexpected spiritual conversation with a friend takes place, I am here to listen.


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