
What happens when you forget your customer.

Bridge of Troubled Water is what happens when you over promise and under deliver. Remember its the small things that your customer places the highest value on. Therefore its also the intersection for their biggest disappointment.

The customer calls/emails to ask for something, you say of course. Then you forget or can’t even do what was asked but in your rush to please you said yes. The customer nevers says a word. Never tell you about it.

Then it happens. They don’t review or just stop shopping there but you don’t notice. Until it happens a few time and you finally see a pattern. An issue with your sales team, customer service team or you. Sadly by then its way too late.

Set up systems now. When a customer calls and mentions how disappointed they are you team knows to forward this complaint. They are comfortable acting on it.

This most likely will save the customer.

Unless you like living on a Bridge over Troubled Water?