
Broke and Homeless to a 6-figure Income

by | Apr 28, 2015 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Who in the heck am I? Wow, how many times have you asked yourself that question? For me it was countless times, what about you?

Throughout your life journey as you graduated from high school, college, getting married, having children, possibly getting a divorce, children leaving home, job changes, health issues and the beat goes one. As women get older they always seem to be asking themselves ‘who am I’ and more importantly ‘where did the real me go.’

They may ask, where did the person who was going to climb Mt Everest, own their own company, change the world, run for office, slay dragons all the while making a difference in the world, go?

What in the beep beep happened?

Where did all the obstacles come from and how do I overcome them. How come some people seem to have more obstacles in their lives than others? That is just how life works but more importantly is how do you chose to look at the good and bad in your life. If you focus on all the negatives that come into your life you will get more and conversely focus on positive and receive more positive.

For instance I would say that I have had to overcome only a few bad times and life has been extremely good to me. Others may look at my life and think the opposite that I overcame a lot. It is truly a glass half empty half full scenario. People who see the glass as half full seem to have a happier life filled with abundance and gratitude.

What did I overcome? Abuse throughout my childhood, then many lost years of partying and drugs then alcohol then drugs then alcohol and the band played on. I spent years, decades, running from all the invisible fears I had built up in my head because I was freak out about some many things in my life. I kept running from what I needed to do and continued to make everything harder than it needed to be. Mired in and enjoying the game of self sabotage so I could never heal and just stay on my giant self created hamster wheel. I say enjoying the process because with any change, when the pain grows to be too much you will change. If you are not changing the pain is not great enough.

Then it happened, I finally hit bottom and found myself homeless and broke. Yup, a college degree, making 40,000 (in 1984) and I was homeless and broke. After ignoring all the red flags and failures in my life I could no longer continue it was time to get serious and change.

How does one change?

How did one go from being homeless, broke and desperately searching for the answers to becoming a CEO of a not for profit with a 6-figure income?

Stay tuned…

If you haven’t failed – you are not in the game!


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