
Discover your Numbers DNA

by | Dec 19, 2013 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Numerology is a study of numbers and their corresponding symbols.  Numbers are used to determine your personality, strength, talents, obstacles, inner needs and ways of dealing with and reacting to various life situations.

The history of numerology can be traced to the Egypt and Babylonia.  Pythagoras, who developed many of the basic theorems that form the foundation of modern mathematics, is credited with formally organizing the field about 2600 ears ago in ancient Greece.

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In the turn of the 20th Century, an American, L. Dow Balliet, initiated the modern phase of numerology.  Now in the 21st Century, a marked increase in the interest in numerology is taking place thanks to the increase in research and publications.

What is the Purpose of Numerology? The Numbers provides a glimpse into your soul by showing your Life Lesson and Destiny numbers. Most people after reading the Numerology Wealth Code are surprised at how exacting Numerology is in their life.

Your numbers such as birthday and name tell much about yourself. Each number is a unique as your DNS and by understanding these numbers you will live a life that fully that supports you in a positive way.

Numbers tell about your ideal career, help discover your life purpose, what lessons need to be learn during this life, your secret innermost longing that only you know and desire to accomplish, possible health issues, how to attract abundance and answers the question of does your name support success.  Is your house address a positive number or send out negative energy?  Does your business name attract drama and hardship or amazing success?

Numbers never lie. 

When I meet someone and their birthday is the 6th I know family and relationships are extremely important. If the birthday is on the 18th mean they has a vivid imagination coupled with an abundance of energy.   

Each number has a unique energetic vibration that translates into positive or negative meaning.  Your number may attracts abundance but instead you operate out of the shadow side that makes the number negative and will repel abundance.  

As we enter 2014 make sure your numbers are supporting a year of abundance and not of struggle.

Do you know your numbers?  Please leave your comments below.