
Don’t allow the pain of shame to win!

by | Sep 27, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Everything is Overcomeable!

I want to talk to you about when, when the pain gets too much, when is it too much regret Too much shame, too much, really anything that you’re really ready to make the decision to change I’m Karen Barno,  welcome to my Facebook live. You know, when I think back to the path I took to get to where I am, I find it an interesting juncture of how you, you’ll get to that point when it’s just, you’re just ready to change. And it happens when, again, when the pain’s too much. And I kind of, for me, I go back to when I was, um, I would go to board meetings is so hung over or is this ridiculous I would just always be so hung over and I would just get so mad because I’d be hung over and it’s like, why don’t I, why can’t I stop.

And it really came to a head because I had to go back to Washington DC for lobbying days and are standing outside Senator McCain’s office, rest in peace, I was waiting to meet with him and his staff. And I was really hung over and I just, I looked a mess because I hadn’t slept on it. I thought it was out all night partying. And I really got to where I just thought, you know what, Karen, this has got to stop. I have got to figure this out. So when you, when you’re lobbying days, your, your appointments usually are back to back. You have a lot of breaks. So I went out, I walked down to the national mall and just sat there and just got out of pencil and paper and just started writing and writing. And I spent five, four hours is sitting there just writing all these notes and all this stuff and it’s just pouring out. 

And I thought, I’ve got to figure out how to fix this. So I started putting pieces together and this would work, but this wouldn’t work. And I read every, I read, probably not, no lie, a thousand  self-help personal development books. I  have all Tony Robbins stuff. I’ve got Jim wrong, Brian Tracy, you know, the old easy goodies, the new ones, you know, Gabby Bernstein, I’ve, I’ve got them all. And I, you know, what works for one didn’t work for me. So I put things together and I finally, I wrote a book, seven steps to, um, transforming your life and business and finds your blue Rose, you know, didn’t sell well, not, didn’t sell well because at that time I wasn’t ready to put myself out there either. I, I like to kind of stay in the background, which is odd because of the position I’m in, but I wasn’t ready because I had just had so much guilt and anxiety over why I couldn’t get out of my own way. 

Why couldn’t I quit drinking Why was I homeless at one point Why  did things not work out for me Because it seemed like things would  work out really well and then I  would blow them up because I wasn’t ready to accept good things into my life. So I kept putting stuff together and you know, during workbooks and figuring things out. So I finally, and on  Monday I’m going to debut it. It’s my five proven steps to healing your childhood shadow in print and reclaiming your power. Everything begins and ends with our subconscious mind. Everything begins and ends with what’s inside of us. So when you do things and you don’t realize why you’re doing it, you know when you have a big meeting the next day and you feel the need to just drink and drink and drink or are you, you know, you get money and you, you spend it on stupid things because you just don’t want anything good to happen in your life. 

You can’t accept good. So you’re always pushing it away or you, you do everything you  can to keep yourself in shame. I had to develop this program because once I started figuring things out, my life started falling and falling in pieces. You know, I quit drinking like a full, like quit, you know, doing stupid things and making super stupid decisions and spending money stupidly and doing everything I could to keep myself in the pain of shame and regret. And when you have trauma in your background, you are constantly dealing with it. You don’t even realize you’re running that tape. And the first thing you have to figure out is what story are you constantly running in your mind What story do you default to You know, when things aren’t going well, what does that first voice you hear I used to hear, you know, you’re so stupid, you know what’s wrong with you 

Nobody will like you because you’re so stupid. You know you’re so this, you’re so that and I w I, you have to figure  that stuff out. But you can’t just sit there and say, I’ll heal. You have to be willing to heal yourself. You have to be willing to take the time to dig in to your subconscious mind. And what comments were said to you that  you carried with you. So you know, I’ll talk more about this obviously over the next couple of weeks with my program debuting. I just want you to know that if you have trauma in your childhood, if you have, if you’re not where you want to be, if you’re not the exact person you pitch yourself to be, or if you keep settling, you keep settling for less than you know, you could do this. But you settle for that, then let’s work together. 

Let me help you because I want everybody in this world, everybody in this world to be at peace, inner peace. You know the world itself. Uh, who knows But I want everybody in this world to be an inner peace.  I want everybody to be happy and I want people to, especially women, I want us to stop living in regret, especially when you grow at things that weren’t even your fault. It was done to you, not by you. So you know, tune in Monday when I talk a little more about my class. But I want you to know that if you’re in pain, I can help you get out of pain. I really can help you. I hope this helped. If you have any questions, let me know. Leave comments below. Um, stop living in shame. Stop living in regret. Stop living a less than life. Live a more life you’re put on this world earth for a purpose. Step into your purpose and be great. Talk to you later.


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